I've got a couple things going on. I've created a form that launches from a
button so I can add a new record while inputing data. It as a Save and Close
coded into the "on close" property. It will also requery the combo box so
that I can then select the new data. All was working fine until...
I added the dropdown command on the "on enter" property of the combo box.
Now I get a debug error on the Save/Close. I click "end" try the save/close
button again and it works. Any idea why the initial problem though?
button so I can add a new record while inputing data. It as a Save and Close
coded into the "on close" property. It will also requery the combo box so
that I can then select the new data. All was working fine until...
I added the dropdown command on the "on enter" property of the combo box.
Now I get a debug error on the Save/Close. I click "end" try the save/close
button again and it works. Any idea why the initial problem though?