Cant save Movies correctly, please help me

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Hallo all together.
I have a Problem with the Windows Movie Maker, especially with saving
movies. When i want to save a movie on my computer, or a CD, it goes well to
about 30% and then the proceed gets much faster. The result of that is, that
my 6minutes and 40 seconds Video only shows about 2 minutes and then its over.
I dont know what to do, i tried to change the resolution, needed disc space
but it doesnt help. The only option where i say the whole movie was a 2mb big
movie with a quality that was....well i think you all know what i mean.
Gnochua said:
Hallo all together.
I have a Problem with the Windows Movie Maker, especially with saving
movies. When i want to save a movie on my computer, or a CD, it goes well
about 30% and then the proceed gets much faster. The result of that is,
my 6minutes and 40 seconds Video only shows about 2 minutes and then its
I dont know what to do, i tried to change the resolution, needed disc
but it doesnt help. The only option where i say the whole movie was a 2mb
movie with a quality that was....well i think you all know what i mean.

I don't think any of us know what you mean?
When you type you want to "save" a movie...........
Do you mean as a project?
Do you mean that you succesfully imported/added
to timeline/produced an WMV or AVI?
When you type save to: "My Computer" or to "CD"?
What exactly do you mean?
And "2mb" is Not a big Movie.
Okay, I now accept that my response was fecitious
to say the least, but you have failed to supply details
that even the experianced Papa, JI, wojo, et al, could
supply a resolved response to, but trust me, they can
produce a solution to almost anything!
There are some true geniuses in this forum, but you
have to supply details that they can work from.......
Thank you for that Decoder
I agree that more information would be helpful and in the absence of it all
we can do is guess.
Have a look at my website "Movie Maker -> Trouble Shooting -> Can't Save a
Movie" for some possible reasons as to why you are having difficulties.
Well ok, thx for the response. To the details: I mean save the movie not as a
projekt, but as a "movie" in wmv. Saving on my diskspace or on a CD doesnt
make a difference. I dont know what i have forgotten beside of this, so i
hope you can work with this then.
Ok then other helpful details are:
What filetype(s) are in your project (audio, still images, and video)?
How long is the movie in minutes?
How many clips and transitions are there?
What are the specs of your computer (memory, harddrive space, processor)?
Is your harddrive formatted FAT32 or NTFS? To find out right click on the
harddrive in Windows Explorer and click "Properties" look to see what type
of file system is being used.
Did you check out the information I pointed you to on my website?
Ok...My Computer: AMD Athlon 4200+ duel core / 2GB Infineon RAM / 410 GB
Harddisk, 200 free / Formatted on NTFS / GeForce 7800. To the Movie: A lot of
different clips, maybe about 20-30 2 Audio tracks and about 6minutes ´n 40
seconds + 4 titles, if this is important. The clips that i use in the movie
are Gamescenes i recorded with fraps, nothing else.
The video doesn't sound too complex, especially with the specs of your
system (I'm jealous) so I doubt you have a complexity issue.
Your harddrive is NTFS so that rules out that one.
If the audio is MP3 that "could" be the issue.
If the scenes recorded by fraps (are they still images or video?) are in
MPEG that almost certainly is a problem. If they are JPG images that "could"
but usually isn't a problem.

If it isn't a file TYPE issue then it is quite likely a corrupt file issue.
Take a look at the file containing the last picture you see in your broken
video as well as the very next picture in line in your project (assuming it
always quits in the same spot). Try removing them temporarily from the
project and save again to see if it works.
Thank you so much man now it really works! i cut out the 0.2 seconds of the
video in which one it normally crashes, and now i can save and look at it
completely! Thank you very much, how can i pay it back to you? (And sorry for
my teribel english im from Germany)
You just did :-)

Gnochua said:
Thank you so much man now it really works! i cut out the 0.2 seconds of
video in which one it normally crashes, and now i can save and look at it
completely! Thank you very much, how can i pay it back to you? (And sorry
my teribel english im from Germany)