Can't save changes to form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karen Matthews
  • Start date Start date

Karen Matthews

I have an Access 2002 database that I am trying to make a
change to a label within a form. It takes the change, and
appears to let me save it. But when I try to close out
the form the "do you want to save changes" prompt comes
up. No matter how many times I try to close the form this
box comes up. I select save changes and it still prompts
me. The only way I can close the form is tell it to not
save the changes, and then the changes are not saved. I
also cannot export or rename the form. Has anyone ever
had this type of experience or have any ideas of what
might be going on? Any help is appreciated. Thank you,
You may have a corrupted database. Try compact/repair in
tools menu. You could try decompiling you DB. the
instructions are at

If that doesn't work create a new database and import all
of the objects from the corrupted one. If that doesn't fix
the problem create a new database and import all the items
except the bad form. Sorry you might have to recreate the
bad form again. You may be able to copy the controls from
the old form to the one in the new database to save time.

One of the many reasons not to use Access Databases for mission critial work
is that the Access database(s) can easily become corrupted. During
development you would be very wise to keep as many copies (versions) of your
database as you can. When a coruption occurs with a form, you could easily
Copy and Paste a known working form from and older version of your database,
into your current database.
