can't save as a pps




I'm hoping you folks can solve my small dilemma.

I have created a pps and sent it off in email as an attachment.

It dutifully arrives and I attempt to open it and it won't. Not unusual as
the email client I have sent it to is outlook web access.

This is where I reckon it gets strange. When I right mouse click and go to
save target as and the window of where I want to save it to

comes with the file name and extension. The extension always says ppt but
the file type underneath says powerpoint presentation. If I save I am
saving a ppt and when the download completes it open as a ppt. But I know
the file extension is pps, which I want to distribute to the staff.

The only way I can make it work at the moment is to physically change the
ppt to pps before the save. I don't want my staff to go fiddling around I
just want them to download and watch it.

What have I missed or is it just sone curious quirk?

Any help would be appreciated.

Cheers surfdog

Michael Koerner

By default PowerPoint saves as PowerPoint Presentation .ppt if you use the save
as, you have the option of saving as a PowerPoint Slideshow .pps. For the mail
recipients to view your presentation, they will have to have PowerPoint or the
PowerPoint viewer installed on their computers.

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<><><>Do Provide The Version Of PowerPoint You Are Using<><><>
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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]


I'm hoping you folks can solve my small dilemma.

I have created a pps and sent it off in email as an attachment.

It dutifully arrives and I attempt to open it and it won't. Not unusual as
the email client I have sent it to is outlook web access.

This is where I reckon it gets strange. When I right mouse click and go to
save target as and the window of where I want to save it to

comes with the file name and extension. The extension always says ppt but
the file type underneath says powerpoint presentation. If I save I am
saving a ppt and when the download completes it open as a ppt. But I know
the file extension is pps, which I want to distribute to the staff.

The only way I can make it work at the moment is to physically change the
ppt to pps before the save. I don't want my staff to go fiddling around I
just want them to download and watch it.

What have I missed or is it just sone curious quirk?

Any help would be appreciated.

Cheers surfdog


Yes Michael

All 125 computers of the staff have powerpoint. The problem is when they
go to save target as the only option that shows up is ppt. when the file
being sent is pps. The pps option does not appear to be recognised when

Hence my dilemma


Michael Koerner

If your sending the .pps file as an attachment in an email I don't ever recall
there being an option to "save target as" it has always been "save attachments"
If your sending a link to a file then you will get the "save target as" option.
and I think you can change the filename to whatever you want. Try changing the
..ppt to .pps and see what happens.

<>Please post all follow-up questions/replies to the newsgroup<>
<><>Email unless specifically requested will not be opened<><>
<><><>Do Provide The Version Of PowerPoint You Are Using<><><>
<><><>Do Not Post Attachments In This Newsgroup<><><>
Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

Yes Michael

All 125 computers of the staff have powerpoint. The problem is when they
go to save target as the only option that shows up is ppt. when the file
being sent is pps. The pps option does not appear to be recognised when

Hence my dilemma


Steve Rindsberg


I'm hoping you folks can solve my small dilemma.

I have created a pps and sent it off in email as an attachment.

It dutifully arrives and I attempt to open it and it won't. Not unusual as
the email client I have sent it to is outlook web access.

Since you sent a PPS, it sounds as though the email client is playing games
with you. I think you'll need to solve the problem from that end; PPT's made
a PPS as requested at your end and the file seems to be getting changed back to
PPT before PowerPoint gets hold of it at the receiving end.

Get out the baseball bat and do some brain surgery on Outlook web access. ;-)

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