Brenda Rueter
Word 2000
User has a 5-line return address. When she enters it and clicks YES to save
as default, closing Word and reopening it shows the last line is dropped.
We can't seem to get it to stick.
User also is trying to save the return address as a 8 point font. We have
right clicked R.A., changed point size and clicked the Default button to
save it, etc. We have also clicked Options, R.A., changed point size and
button to save as Default. When we reopen Word the text is again in the
window for R.A. showing as a 12 point, Options shows it as a 10 point and
appears to the eye to BE a 10 point when printed.
As a test I had user save a new toolbar icon and IT stayed just fine, so
SOME changes are being saved in normal.dot. User does not have Adobe 7
Any ideas here? TIA!
User has a 5-line return address. When she enters it and clicks YES to save
as default, closing Word and reopening it shows the last line is dropped.
We can't seem to get it to stick.
User also is trying to save the return address as a 8 point font. We have
right clicked R.A., changed point size and clicked the Default button to
save it, etc. We have also clicked Options, R.A., changed point size and
button to save as Default. When we reopen Word the text is again in the
window for R.A. showing as a 12 point, Options shows it as a 10 point and
appears to the eye to BE a 10 point when printed.
As a test I had user save a new toolbar icon and IT stayed just fine, so
SOME changes are being saved in normal.dot. User does not have Adobe 7
Any ideas here? TIA!