Can't run Windows setup from CD ROM

  • Thread starter Thread starter The Litwaks
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The Litwaks

We were using our computer today, and then it did a random reboot (the
computer has done this for a long time, Win98, WIn NT and WIn XP all do
it). This time however, it would not restart. It said the system could
not find a file ....config\system. IT said I should try to repair with
my WIndows Setup disk. That nice. But no matter what i do, including
putting the CD-ROM first in the list of boot devices (and the CD was
working fine before this), the computer will not read the CD ROM. It
just keeps going to the message about he missing file and the need to
run Windows Setup. Each time it reboots, I hear the floppy being
checked and then I hear the CD ROM drive whirring. So it's not that the
hardware doesn't know the CD ROM exists. Yes, I have virus software.
In fact, I bought and installed the latest version of Norton Anti-Virus
two weeks ago (because I have tired of McAfee lying to me about giving
me rebates and not ever giving me one). Since the hard drive is NTFS,
there's of course no way to simply copy the file into place, even if I
had a separate copy. What can I do? Why won't the CD ROM work? Thanks.

Just an idea, as mine is configured this way for some reason:

If your computer doesn't automatically boot from CD then you'll need to Press F8
continuously as the computer is restarting until you get the option menu which allows
you to choose either to boot from CD, Hard Drive or Floppy (some computers are
configured this way) then select boot from CD.