Can't run saved PPS files in show mode.



I am currently using pp2003 but previously used 2000 (on this xp pc).
EVERYTHING with 2003 was fine until I got a message (while using the NEW and
IMPROVED MS clip art system) stating the "assistant" wasn't working and to
load the disc for 2000 and repair the issue in the maintainance section. I
did; stupidly. When I attempted to open my previously saved ppt pres. it
opened in 2000 instead of 2003. No problem, I just opened 2003 and selected
the pres and all was I thought. NOW when I attempt to run a
previously saves PPS (saved in show format) the program (2003) will only open
it as a presentation. No matter how many times I have attempted to save a
presentation they will NOT open as a show. The desktop icon indicates it is
a show rather than a presentation but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
I have tried manually reentering the file format extention but that doesn't
work either so NOW WHAT...?


What happens when you double click a pps file? Nothing? Opens in edit mode?
something else?

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