Can't run DOS Aps

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Hello all. I recently re-installed XP home after a crash. Now, when I try to
run progs I used to have no trouble with, I get an error saying
"C:\Windows\System32\Autoexec.NT. The system file is not suitable fir
running MS-DOS and MS Windows applications." Then it is terminated.
I tried to make it compatible with Win98 and such, but get the same error.
How do I get these progs to run again? They are very small script progs.
Thank you!
Your drive was in FAT 32 format before you reinstalled
windows. now the pc ( or you in the set up of the cd
instalation) has changed your file system to NTFS... Dos
cannot work in NTFS.
You could try reformatting your disc drive to fat32 then
install windows making sure its fat32.
(double click my computer. click on C: drive and in window
view on left of screen it will tell you what file system
your pc is running)
I would do the above...( and have done)
or get newer versions of programmes you want to use.

Hope this helps.
Your drive was in FAT 32 format before you reinstalled
windows. now the pc ( or you in the set up of the cd
instalation) has changed your file system to NTFS... Dos
cannot work in NTFS.

True, but irrelevant. Although it's true that DOS can not work on
an NTFS drive, it is *not* true that DOS applications, running
under Windows XP can not work on an NTFS drive. Nor does he say
that these are DOS programs he's having trouble with.

The error message he gets talks about a problem with the
autoexec.nt file. He should post its contents here for more help

You could try reformatting your disc drive to fat32

Please do *not* do that. It is neither necessary nor desirable.
I have the same problem, and it seemed to come after SP2 was installed.
Here is the .NT file:

@echo off

REM AUTOEXEC.BAT is not used to initialize the MS-DOS environment.
REM AUTOEXEC.NT is used to initialize the MS-DOS environment unless a
REM different startup file is specified in an application's PIF.

REM Install CD ROM extensions
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe

REM Install network redirector (load before dosx.exe)
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\redir

REM Install DPMI support
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx

REM The following line enables Sound Blaster 2.0 support on NTVDM.
REM The command for setting the BLASTER environment is as follows:
REM where:
REM A specifies the sound blaster's base I/O port
REM I specifies the interrupt request line
REM D specifies the 8-bit DMA channel
REM P specifies the MPU-401 base I/O port
REM T specifies the type of sound blaster card
REM 1 - Sound Blaster 1.5
REM 2 - Sound Blaster Pro I
REM 3 - Sound Blaster 2.0
REM 4 - Sound Blaster Pro II
REM 6 - SOund Blaster 16/AWE 32/32/64
REM The default value is A220 I5 D1 T3 and P330. If any of the switches
REM left unspecified, the default value will be used. (NOTE, since all
REM ports are virtualized, the information provided here does not have to
REM match the real hardware setting.) NTVDM supports Sound Blaster 2.0
REM The T switch must be set to 3, if specified.
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3

REM To disable the sound blaster 2.0 support on NTVDM, specify an invalid
REM SB base I/O port address. For example:

You can also try DOSBox. I have been using it for a year now.

That is, if you are actually trying to run DOS programs meant for 6.22 or
When I upgraded to SP2, I got the same message. It turns out that the
referenced file, autoexec.nt, needs to be in either the \windows\system32 or
\winnt\system32 directory. For some reason, it was in the ..\repair