Can't run aspnet_regiis -i

  • Thread starter Thread starter C.Fleury
  • Start date Start date


I'm trying to change/update my local IIS 5.1 to .NET Framework 1.1 so I can
work w/Visual Studio .NET. The instructions (which have worked fine in
another computer) ask me to issue the following command from the DOS prompt:
"%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_regiis.exe" -i
But every time I run it the OS errs out with the message:
"You must have administrative rights on this machine in order to run this
I do have administrative rights to the machine and also I attempted the same
while I was logged in as administrator w/the same results...I already
Un-install IIS 5.1,Framework 1.1 and Visual Studio and re-installed in the
order IIS and Framework w/the same results. (My machine runs XP

What can I do ?

Hi Fleury,

I'm not sure if this has got anything to do with it, but did you edited your
machine.config file?
Defaulkt settings say de user=machine
change this to user=SYSTEM

Also check this
"The problem was ownership and permissions on the aspnet_client directory
under $IIS_HOME/wwwroot. Though I was logged in as an administrator, the
$IIS_HOME/wwwroot directory was not owned or writeable by me. When
aspnet_regiis -c fails to copy files because of this, it dissappointingly
supplies a uselessly vague and practically incorrect error message. My
solution was to take ownershiP of $IIS_HOME/wwwroot and its subdirs, make
them writeable, then re-run the script. Your results might vary. "

Hope this helps you.
