can't resize windows explorer

  • Thread starter Thread starter tomas
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We have a user that seems to be having problems resizing their Windows just opens and there is no option to resize and it can't be
dragged to make the window bigger. Is there a registry key or a utlity that
can be installed to fix this?

If the user places the tip of their mouse pointer on any edge of the
window, does it become a double-headed arrow?

Does the user see a minus sign and a box-shape in the upper right corner
of the window (to the left of a red 'X')?

When the user clicks on the icon in the top left of the window, does a
menu appear with 'Size' as one of the options?

Hey, thanks for the fast response. They can maximize and minimize the
window, but they don't get the double-headed arrow when trying to customize
the size of the window. However, they can in other applications like IE,
Office, etc.

However, when I clicked on the top bar...and selected size I was able to
resize after that. Strange, is this just a glitch or some sort of policy
since we are on AD. We set up sep. admin accounts for people that need them
so I wonder if the policy is a bit different for these accounts?

It's no glitch.

I am not that familiar with GPOs but I can't think of a reason a domain
administrator would want to prohibit users from resizing windows.

More likely, someone has been tinkering with the computer, causing
damage in the process.

I couldn't think of a reason for this to be in a GPO either, but just out of
curiousity I set up the same account for myself, logged into two different
systems and saw the same behaviour. Odd, guess I'll ask them if it is in the
GPO for these user admin accounts...and if so why?

Thanks for your help!
