Piksi wrote:
See comments inline:
I have tyried everything that you mentioned. I trieed to download the
driver and it acted like it was downloading until the end and then nothing
happened. I got through the "do you want to run" and I said yes. It showed
that it was downloading but then ...nothing. I can't find it anywhere on
my computer and when I tried to save it, I was told that I don't have
permission. Restore was unsuccessful. No wireless shows on Device manager.
I even removed the card cover, verified that it was seated and not
dirty/dusty. And here is the latest. At some time during the last 24
hours, I have done something that made a difference. The internet button
on the front is now Blue. Still no wireless internet. I am still using
ethernet. I have been trying to keep notes of my adventure. Below is what
my notes say. I hope I don't leave anything out.
At Start menu, control panel>connect to network>manage networks I get the
following message" The settings saved on this computer for the network do
not match the requirements for the network" What does that mean? I don't
think that I changed something like that.
The error message means that the wireless network connection you have saved
(created) on your computer doesn't match the requirements of the wireless
network's encryption. As an example:
You have Wireless Network Name (SSID) PiksiHome set to use WEP encryption
with some combination of numbers for the password when it really uses WPA2-
PSK and the encryption passphrase is "I wanna go surfing now".
The network that I am on is through Comcast and there is a wireless router
and two computters running off of it. The other computer isn't having
these problems.
Then the problem is only on your computer, which from all you've written
isn't a surprise.
I was trying to download a wi-fi card from HP after the one from the link
that you gave me didn't download. (By the way, thank you)
I'm not convinced you ever needed to get drivers. I don't think you
accurately described the problem because you don't know what you're looking
at. I realize this comes across as a rather brusque statement but I'm not
saying it to hurt your feelings. I'm just stating what I believe may be
Then I got a message stating "Wireless security settings on this computer
so not match the settings on "USR5461" I know that that is our network
name. How could these changes have been changed? And how do I change them
back? I used my roommates computer and got all the information including
method, encryption and pass phrase. now I don't know where to the
Use this free program on your roommate's computer to get the wireless
network information. Save the information to a Notepad document and transfer
it with a USB key to your own computer.
On your machine, set up your wireless connection manually. This link has
If everything works, you're done.
If you still have problems, it's time to have someone who knows what they
are doing have a look. Since you can't pay for professional computer help
(and it may not be as expensive as you think so it's worth calling around at
least), this will have to be a friend who knows what s/he is doing. If you
use a friend instead of a professional, make sure the friend *really* knows
what s/he is doing and isn't just saying so. You've reached the end of
effective troubleshooting in a newsgroup. It's difficult enough to troubleshoot
networking issues without being able to see the computers/network involved
and really impossible if the person needing help isn't technical enough to
accurately report what is going on. Again, I'm not saying this to hurt your
feelings in any way. I'm just being practical.