Can't receive pop3 email



I recently had to rebuild my computer following a motherboard/hard
drive failure.

I reinstalled XP and SP2 and then Office 2003.

I recovered the .pst file from the old drive and copied it into the
local settings/.../ directory.

I did the same for my wife's XP account on the same machine.

Her email works fine.

When I try to receive (I can send without any problem) on my pop3
accounts I get the message:

Task ' - Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC92) :
'Your e-mail server rejected your login. Verify your user name and
password in your account properties. Under Tools, click E-mail
accounts. The server responded: -ERR unknown command'

I've checked the account properties (many times) and they're correct.

I've deleted and recreated the email accounts - no result.

I've deleted the profile and created a new one - I still get the same

I've turned the virus checker on and off (and on again) - no change.

I've run out of things to check! I don't understand why it's happening
on my XP/email account but not my wife's.

I can access the email on a different machine, but this is really
bugging me (and wasting my time...). I've trawled google for several
hours but without any result.

Any ideas will be most welcome.



Don't you know it - you put a post on the net and then solve the

I had to delete my XP account (backing up my documents first) and then
create a new XP account and go through the boring process of setting
Outlook up again - this time it all works fine.

If anyone knows what was wrong the first time, please let me know.


Peter - many thanks. There were several other odd things happening at
the same time such as not being able to conduct a google search using
Firefox, but everything being possible in IE. All the oddities were
cured through by the account delete and re-creation.

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