RV said:
Helo friends,
I'v bought a new pc with XP & tried 2 setup email account but cant
receive emails on it. If ne1 could help me pls.
Someone can help you.
Perhaps you abbreviated your username/password when entering it in your new
email client?
Perhaps you entered the wrong username/password or the wrong account
(POP/SMTP/IMAP/other) information when setting up the account.
In order to properly connect to your email account you need:
- An email client (the program you use to access your email.) This may be
Internet Explorer and you check your email via the web or it may be Outlook
Express or Thunderbird or Outlook or Eudora or... Well - you get the idea.
- Your email account information. This includes your email account username
(may be just a username or could be a (e-mail address removed)) and associated
password. It also - if using an actual client and not a web browser to
check your email - includes the server information and sometimes even ports
and other particulars in order to connect securely (or just at all.)
After those things are gathered (and you have verified how to set it up with
your individual email service provider - as they likely have instructions in
a ready-made document/video/etc.) - you simply use it all to setup your
email account.
Or - in your abbreviated posting format: