I bought a new computer with windows Vista. Window Mail and msn don't work.
With Windows mail I can send Emails but can't receive anything. See
following message useless for me because I don't understand where is the
Échec de la connexion au serveur. Compte : 'pop.aliceadsl.fr', Serveur :
'pop.aliceadsl.fr', Protocole : POP3, Port : 995, Sécurisé (SSL) : Oui,
Erreur de socket : 10060, Numéro d'erreur : 0x800CCC0E
Also MSN interrupts immediatly when I try to connect.
Does any one knows what to do?
I bought a new computer with windows Vista. Window Mail and msn don't work.
With Windows mail I can send Emails but can't receive anything. See
following message useless for me because I don't understand where is the
Échec de la connexion au serveur. Compte : 'pop.aliceadsl.fr', Serveur :
'pop.aliceadsl.fr', Protocole : POP3, Port : 995, Sécurisé (SSL) : Oui,
Erreur de socket : 10060, Numéro d'erreur : 0x800CCC0E
Also MSN interrupts immediatly when I try to connect.
Does any one knows what to do?