can't Ping/manage router/modem on subnet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dazza
  • Start date Start date



I'm not sure if this is a problem with RRAS so I apologise if this is the
wrong group.

I have recently installed a 2nd nic on my SBS machine to which I have
attached a router/ADSL modem. After being helped over a few hurdles all
internal clients can now access the internet. The problem is I can't ping
the router/modem or manage it unless I attach another pc to the router/modem
with an address in the same subnet as the router.

I think this may have something to do with static routing but everything I
have tried has not worked. All internal clients are firewall clients with
HTTP redirection within ISA to benefit from the cache.

I'd be grateful for any help.

(Management PC
SBS External nic
SBS Internal nic
Clients 192.168.0.x via DHCP

The diagram is a bit naff I know.


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Just to ensure that I understood your question correctly, You have a
topology similar to below.

|---- SBS----Router------Internet

If not, Can you get me a clear topology and configured roles of SBS?

If so, Can you please provide the following info:-

Are you running NAT on SBS? Is the SBS acting as the default gateway for
client machines?

Hi Sandeep, thanks for the reply.

The topology is essentially correct, but we actually have more than two
clients all connected via a switch, to which the SBS machine is also
attached via the internal nic

NAT is not implemented. All clients are firewall clients. As far as I know
SBS is configured as internal gateway for all clients. How do I check?



p.s. I've discovered that I can use IE to connect to the router to manage it
if I supply the ip address, i.e. VPN clients still can't
access the network though - map drives etc.
You can check that the ipconfig output showing as default
gateway to confirm if SBS is acting as a gateway for the clients. I assume
SBS is acting as a router here. Are there any specific reasons for having
the SBS in two different subnets? If so, what are the RRAS configs you have?
Can you send the output of "route print" and "netsh ras dump" and "netsh ro
