Ok, I just created a XPS file by printing through the XPS virtual printer
in Wordpad, and saved the file. I was then able to open the file in the
web browser.
Michael, try this:
Open WordPad, type up something, anything
Click File
Click Print
Select "Microsoft XPS Document Writer"
Click Print
Save the file (I saved mine in Documents, you can Desktop, anywhere you
can locate the file).
double click the file you saved, and it will open in IE 7+, it will take
a little while, I notice it is very slow to load.
I navigated to C: > Windows > SysWOW64 > XPSViewer > XPSViewer
Where SysWOW64 is would be System 32 on x86 Vista
I notice this folder was placed in the SysWOW64 folder after I printed
the XPS file, but the XPSViewer refuses to launch, don't know why, guess
its broken.
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Michael Nemtsev said:
I found that file and point it to open .XPS extentions, but IE starts
blinking trying to create new instance and unloading it abruptly
To actually answer your question, it's an app called XPSViewer.exe.
Typing XPSViewer in the start menu search box found its folder for me
(in system32 somewhere IIRC). It should also appear in the list of
programs one can associate with a file type.
Abruptly, XPS files can't been open.
Which app is responsible for this and which app do I need to set to
open .xps files?
PS: Vista Beta2 [Ultimate]