Can't open Tools or Settings

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My WD is up to date. I am unable to open anything in the Tools section. I
know I am not the only one that can't do this, because a friend brought it to
my attention and I tried it and nada. I also was unable to post this
question yesterday.
There was a glitch of some sort in these forums yesterday--sorry about that.

I'd recommend a repair or update install--start, control panel, add or
remove programs, Windows Defender, change, update.

I can recall seeing a spate of this kind of problem much earlier in the
beta, but I don't remember what the cause was. Do you have any thoughts
about commonalities that might exist between your machine and the friend you
mentioned? Software installed recently?
We both use FF2 and do have several programs that are the same, ((Spy
Sweeper/Registry Mechanic/Tune-Up Utilities), that I remember off hand and I
know we both make sure we have the latest updates. We both have done the
Up-Date-Repair-Install from Add/Remove and it didn't help any. Suggestions?
Bill, I ran repair, or tried to again, and it tells me WindowsDefender.msi is
missing. I tried re-install and still can not repair.
Hello MaDonna,

Just out of interest. Am I correct in thinking that you have software from
Symantec installed?
Actually no. I don't have any Symantec installed.My friend does have Norton
Anti-Virus, but I use Avast. If I I uninstall WD and do a thorough cleaning
with CCleaner, etc. And re-install WD, would that make it work? I can
remember back in some of the beta versions people were having problems
uninstalling and re-installing.
It was possible to cleanup things with the beta version; however, I haven't
tried it with the latest version. I would suggest doing an uninstall. After
doing the uninstall, reboot the system and check that Windows Defender does
not show up as a Service (Administrative Tools->Services). Next I would do a
search on file names that contain "Windows Defender". You should find hits
under Program Files and Application Data/Microsoft (there's also an adm file
that I wouldn't worry about). After deleting these folders, I would run
Ccleaner Issues and/or OneCare cleanup (the broom). There are some Windows
Defender log data sets in the Temp folder under Windows - again, I wouldn't
worry about them). There was a command to run under the beta that would
reset the signature definitions. I don't know if that is still applicable.
The proof of the pudding will be to see if WD updates to the levels that are
posted by Engel.
Just to be clear, only delete the folders named Windows Defender and do the
search on file names where all or part of the name is Windows Defender (I
should not have used the word contain).
Thanks, but before I try the uninstall, etc. right now WD is totally up to
date and aut updates fine. BUT since I can't get into the tools and settings
do you think WD is doing it's job? It does the daily scheduled scan, etc. So,
if I want to keep my settings the way they are, do I need to do the
uninstall, cleaning, and re-install? was just getting ready to begin the
process and started thinking if it was necessary at this point. What d'ya
You can always take a restore point and go back. WD is not fully functional
and eventually you will need the features that are not working.
Well, I uninstalled, cleaned everything so there was no sign of WD left. Did
everything you suggested, re-booted, downloaded and re-installed WD. It
updated fine, but Tools and Settings will still not open. So, I went to
Add/Remove and did a repair which seemed to work this time, no warnings
saying anything was missing. Hopefully opened up WD/ Still can not open tools
and settings. I am wondering if anyone else is having this problem. I suggest
everyone try to open Tools and Settings and see if they can. I will make it
clearer that Tools from icon opens but can not open Settings or Tools after
that. Any more suggestions? At this point, if we are the only ones having the
problem, I am just going to remove it permanently, but hate to because i
really like the program.
Well that used up my bag of tricks. I am pasting a copy of what was on the
Microsoft download page for Windows Defender.

Free Limited Support - As a part of our commitment to the security of our
customers, Microsoft is offering two free support incidents relating to
Windows Defender on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Examples of valid
support scenarios are installation, configuration, definition update,
detection and removal errors. Please refer to the Windows Defender support
policy for more information
Thank,s Mr. Cat. Before I do anything more, I am going to wait and see if
others are having the same problem. I can't imagine why my friend and I are
the ONLY ones out here with this problem. I am hoping someone will figure out
why & then we can repair it, "hopefully". I appreciate the time you have
Hi MaDonna,

1 ) Open up a command prompt (start -> run -> cmd)
2) Type in the following "regsvr32 msvbvm60.dll" (without
the quotes).
3) Close and re-open Windows Defender.

4) If that fails, install VB6 runtime files:

For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºst.

I hope this post is helpful.

Let us know how it works ºut.


Thanks...Items 1 through 3 made no difference, so I downloaded the VB6 file,
BUT I do not know where to install it. Can you please tell me where to "put"
Thanks, Engel. Items 1 through 3 did not make any difference, so I downloaded
the VB6 runtime patch, BUT now I don't know where to "put" it! Can you tell
me where to install this patch?

I hope this doesn't post twice.