Can't open to update antivirus definitions



When I try to run my antivirus, it won't run due to the
fact that when it tries to log onto, it will
not. When I go directly to that page it will not open the
page either. All the rest of the internet works fine. I
think it may have had something to do with the
installation of Verizon DSL, as it was at the time we
installed that service that we lost the ability to
update. We are now back to Cable Road Runner and
connection for Verizon DSL has been disabled and removed
but still no ability to get anti-virus updates. Please
advise. Thank you.

Mike Bright MSP


Why is it trying to go to Symantec when you run it, I
have Norton Anti-Virus and mine has never performed that
kind of behaviour. Could you fill in the gaps a little,
like "What version of Norton AV it is" please.


Mike Bright MCP, MSP

e:[email protected]

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

Brenda said:
When I try to run my antivirus, it won't run due to the
fact that when it tries to log onto, it will
not. When I go directly to that page it will not open the
page either. All the rest of the internet works fine. I
think it may have had something to do with the
installation of Verizon DSL, as it was at the time we
installed that service that we lost the ability to
update. We are now back to Cable Road Runner and
connection for Verizon DSL has been disabled and removed
but still no ability to get anti-virus updates. Please
advise. Thank you.

Your hosts file could be compromised by spyware, malware etc.,
edit the following file with Notepad:

Win95/98/ME: %windir%\hosts
Windows NT/2000/XP: %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

If there is anything within the file, remove it (the only line that
usually is in there is " localhost" in addition to
the comment lines at the top).

Be sure to go to the end of the file, sometimes the bad
app have added a lot of blank lines before the host entries
added to the file.

To check for Spyware and Parasites, you can run e.g. the
tools mentioned in the links below...

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites

The Parasite Fight Quick Fix Protocol

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