Can't open My Documents?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDS
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I'm the user Jack with file structure looking like:

C:/Users/Jack/ here several folders are listed including My Documents (Looks
like shortcut) and Documents. Not sure why both appear but I can't get into
My Documents but can get into Documents.

Inside My Documents is My Music (looks like shortcut) but I can't get into
that either.

What am I missing here? I'm sensing Vista uses folders as "pointers" but
I'm not sure thats a lot different than XP? Very confusing why with admin
privileges I can't get into some folders. Am I displaying too much detail?
Those are junctions (shortcuts) that Vista uses so that legacy software that
refers to folders such as "my documents" can get routed to the proper place
in Vista. In Vista there are no "my" anything. "my documents" is
"documents", "my music" is "music". You have no need to use junctions. They
are for Vista's use and access to them is restricted. Why don't you just use
what Vista gives you?

Checking DO NOT show hidden files and folders gets rid of some of the
problem, but I still don't see a Music folder under user Jack?
If you created them in Vista, you'll see them. I have hidden files
displayed. I see the junctions only in a command window with "dir /ah".

I have music under my account name. Music should be there for every account
created unless someone has been playing with the default profile.

Maybe "someone" has (probably me before I've realized what I've done!)

PC has 2 users. Deb and Jack

Users/Deb has:
Saved Games
And all are a green/blue color.

Users/Jack has:
..dvdcss (manilla in color)
Desktop (manilla in color)
Saved Games
Music and Pictures are missing.

Now here is where I probably goofed up. There is a "Public" user as well
and I wanted Music, Pictures, and Videos to be common for all users so I
must have dragged some folders and/or files to the Public area.

Users/Public has:
Pictures (green/blue) with my photos and sub-folders inside
Public Documents (Manilla)
Public Downloads (Mailla)
Public Music (Manilla) with a Music folder inside that is green/blue (with
files and sub-folders inside)
Public Videos (Manilla) with all my video files
Recorded TV (Manilla)

So, should I just take a crack at dragging the folders wher I think they
would have been originally or will that make it worse?

Thanks for all the help too!
Yes. Turning off the option to show hidden files will also hide the
junction points.
I have found that leaving files in the default location (ie. users/jack)
will result in data loss if you reinstall.
Vista replaces the folders with empty ones and any files in the default
location go POOF.
I create my own folders (outside of any Vista created folder) for anything I
want to actually keep!

JDS said:
Maybe "someone" has (probably me before I've realized what I've done!)