Can't open files



Hello -- I'm sure this isn't the proper place to post my problem, but thought
I'd start here anyways. Let me start off by saying that I'm extremely
computer-stupid, so please forgive my ignorance. I'm running Windows Vista
Ultimate, and yahoo email. For some reason, I'm unable to open attachments
that have been sent to me, and saved to my computer. PLEASE HLP!! These are
important documents that I really need to access. Thanks for your help --

Gary VanderMolen [MVP]

It's not very informative to say you are not able to open attachments.
What happens when you try? Is there an error message?

Are you trying to open the attachment from inside Windows Mail, or do
you save the attachment first, then you try to open the saved file?


What type of files are these attachments (.doc, .docx, .pdf, etc)
Do you have the required programs required to open or view them?

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