Can't open attachments to new emails named Resume.doc



As an exec recruiter I need to open new email attachments on a daily basis. Many are named "Resume.doc" and I receive a message every time I attempt to open the Resume.doc attachment. I cannot do anything with the attachment; can't open it, can't move it or save it to my destop to try to rename it...nothing works. The only way to open it is I have to send it to my office manager so she can open it and then send it back to me. It's a major inconvenience. I have only had this problem for the past month. Something has changed recently within my system that I am not aware of. Has anoyone experienced the same or a similar problem (where attachments named a certain way could not be opened, saved, renamed, etc.) and, if so, were they able to resolve it? How?? Thanks!

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


I will assume you are getting your email using Outlook Express? Click
tools/options/security tab, undo the option "do not allow attachments to be

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

AB said:
As an exec recruiter I need to open new email attachments on a daily
basis. Many are named "Resume.doc" and I receive a message every time I
attempt to open the Resume.doc attachment. I cannot do anything with the
attachment; can't open it, can't move it or save it to my destop to try to
rename it...nothing works. The only way to open it is I have to send it to
my office manager so she can open it and then send it back to me. It's a
major inconvenience. I have only had this problem for the past month.
Something has changed recently within my system that I am not aware of. Has
anoyone experienced the same or a similar problem (where attachments named a
certain way could not be opened, saved, renamed, etc.) and, if so, were they
able to resolve it? How?? Thanks!


/AB/ said:
As an exec recruiter I need to open new email attachments on a daily
basis. Many are named "Resume.doc" and I receive a message every time I
attempt to open the Resume.doc attachment. I cannot do anything with
the attachment; can't open it, can't move it or save it to my destop
to try to rename it...nothing works. The only way to open it is I have
to send it to my office manager so she can open it and then send it
back to me. It's a major inconvenience. I have only had this problem
for the past month. Something has changed recently within my system
that I am not aware of. Has anoyone experienced the same or a similar
problem (where attachments named a certain way could not be opened,
saved, renamed, etc.) and, if so, were they able to resolve it? How??

What mail client is being used? What is the exact text of the error message?

If Outlook Express, click the TOOLS menu|OPTIONS|SECURITY tab and UNcheck
the "do not allow attachments..." box.

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