Windows XP Can't open a bunch of programs

Jun 12, 2005
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I have a little problem... I can't open notepad, windows security-center (and sp2 firewall settings), msconfig, I couldn't open regedit either but I got that one fixed with a "un-hooker". It gives no errors like "The administrator has.....", it just doesn't load. I started my computer in safe-mode and scanned for viruses, it found a trojan called Crypt.C.5, I deleted it but the problem was still there.

I know there has been threads about this before but non has solved my problem.
Thanks for the help!

There are three kinds of people, those who can count and those who can't
Try to do a repair installation as the system files have beed corrupted.

sometimes a system restore resolved such issues.

repair installtion details

Insert the Windows XP CD into your computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer.
When the "Press any key to boot from CD" message appears on the screen, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD.

Note Your computer must be configured to start from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. For more information about how to configure your computer to start from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, see your computer's documentation or contact your computer manufacturer.
You receive the following message on the Welcome to Setup screen that appears: This portion of the Setup program prepares Microsoft Windows XP to run on your computer:

To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER.

To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.

To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

Press ENTER to set up Windows XP.
On the Windows XP Licensing Agreement screen, press F8 to agree to the license agreement.
Make sure that your current installation of Windows XP is selected in the box, and then press R to repair Windows XP.
Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to reinstall Windows XP. After you repair Windows XP, you may have to reactivate your copy of Windows XP.
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Remember to do any back ups from the same partition of your windows "system files" before reinstalling or recovering ;)