[Got no respone to my orginal post on this - am I the only that has
this problem?]
After I've read some mail in my Inbox, I'll move it to one of the
personal folders I've set up. Being *extremely* fallible, I sometimes
move it to the wrong folder. When I discover such an error, I'd like
to move it from the incorrect location to the correct one. When I
attempt the move, it whines that it cannot do the move because the item
has already been moved or deleted. I *know* that - I just want to
move it again!
Why is Outlook treating me so shabbily, and what can I do to move stuff
around, even after it's already been moved?
this problem?]
After I've read some mail in my Inbox, I'll move it to one of the
personal folders I've set up. Being *extremely* fallible, I sometimes
move it to the wrong folder. When I discover such an error, I'd like
to move it from the incorrect location to the correct one. When I
attempt the move, it whines that it cannot do the move because the item
has already been moved or deleted. I *know* that - I just want to
move it again!
Why is Outlook treating me so shabbily, and what can I do to move stuff
around, even after it's already been moved?