Can't Maximize IE Window All of a Sudden



Today, after booting up for the day, I found that a
maximized IE browser window just won't fill my screen, and
it runs off the bottom of the screen. It's like the whole
window is at it's normal maximized size, but it's all
moved down 1/2 an inch.

I've tried changing my resolution and then changing it
back. I've tried running IE Repair. I don't know what's
going on. Any ideas?



I just realized something. The first thing I did after
opening up IE, was go to this website ( )
which was on a piece of junkmail I received. It's this
website that screwed up my browser! The reason I think it
is because when I went to it again, the screen moved down
another 1/2 inch! Eventually, after opening it over and
over again, I was somehow able to get it working properly
again. I have no idea what was going on, but it appears
the problem is solved.

I guess I won't be going to that website again!

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

bfriesen said:
I just realized something. The first thing I did after
opening up IE, was go to this website ( )
which was on a piece of junkmail I received. It's this
website that screwed up my browser! The reason I think it
is because when I went to it again, the screen moved down
another 1/2 inch! Eventually, after opening it over and
over again, I was somehow able to get it working properly
again. I have no idea what was going on, but it appears
the problem is solved.

I guess I won't be going to that website again!


Remove any 'Auto-hide' option for the Windows taskbar and while the window
is maximized, resize the taskbar then return it to the desired size. This is
to try to make Windows re-calculate the window size and boundaries.

If no joy, run regedit and remove these registry key values:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\window_placement


Then reboot.

Mike Burgess

In case that happens again (and it will ;)
Reset Browser Window Size:

Close all instances of Internet Explorer except for one.
Right-click on a link in the page and select: "Open in New Window"
Close the first browser window using the [ X ] (upper right corner)
Resize the second browser window manually by dragging the sides to the
desired size.
Note: Do NOT click the Maximize button, you *must* do it manually.
Hold down the Ctrl key and click the Close button (upper right)
Visit another web site, open a link in a new "window", it should now be the
desired size.
Note: some pop-up browser windows will alter this process if that is the
last one closed.
If that occurs again, you now can resolve this problem.

In some cases the "Remember last window size" info becomes corrupted in the

[more info]
Download: ResetWindowPlacement.reg (if needed)
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 11-08-03]
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