Can't logon Win 2000 Pro - I messed it up - need help

  • Thread starter Thread starter granny
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I was logged on using RadMin and trying to figure out why his 2 PC's could
not see one another over the network

PC 1 was logging onto a Domain (this is a computer he brought home from
work) Both PC's running Win2000 Pro
PC 2 was setup as a Workgroup

I ran the Network wizard on PC 1 and changed it from Domain to Workgroup

Now we can't logon at all - his old account Tom does not work and neither
does Administrator

What can I do?

If I do a repair install will I get a change in the setup to fix it?

Any help you can provide wil lbe greatly appreciated.

He's in New Hampshire so I can't just run over there <g>

jeanette harper
The accounts where domain accounts, now that you have taken it out of the
domain the accounts no longer exist, hence you can not log in.

He will have to take it back to work and a network admin will have to add it
back to the domain. There is no other way. A repair will not fix it.

BTW - what you should have done was change the workgroup name on the home PC
to the same as the domain name of the work PC and then create an account on
the home PC that is identical to the account on the work PC (passwords must
be the same on both).
Hi -

Replied in windows2000.general - if you need to post to multiple groups,
it's best to do so all at once in a single message (separate the NG names
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subscribe to multiple groups, and this way you won't be asking anyone to
reproduce someone else's work, and everyone can benefit.

Crossposting = posting once to several newsgroups within a single message.
This is not a Bad Thing (presuming the list of groups posted to is small,
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Multiposting = posting separate, identical posts to several newsgroups. This
is a Bad Thing. :-)

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