Hi there,
Many thanks for taking the time to read this post.
I'm not that brilliant with the workings of my PC and I'm
really stuck.
I've ran a program yesterday that I downloaded from the
internet. My Microsoft AntiSpywear tool kicked in, and
stopped a few changes to the registry.
Anyway, I can't log onto the PC now. I get to the XP home
screen (with names and pictures) I select a name, and
then it starts to log on - i get to the background
picture, and then it logs me off, and returns me back to
the log on screen.
I've had a search in your forum and on the wider net, and
possibly think it could have been BLAZEFIND, which when
removed, has now trashed my start up.
However, I really don't know what to do. If anyone could
help, could they point me in the direction of simple to
follows steps to fix it, or could anyone with the time,
let me know how I can fix the problem.
I'm very grateful that you read this post.
Thanks in advance,
Many thanks for taking the time to read this post.
I'm not that brilliant with the workings of my PC and I'm
really stuck.
I've ran a program yesterday that I downloaded from the
internet. My Microsoft AntiSpywear tool kicked in, and
stopped a few changes to the registry.
Anyway, I can't log onto the PC now. I get to the XP home
screen (with names and pictures) I select a name, and
then it starts to log on - i get to the background
picture, and then it logs me off, and returns me back to
the log on screen.
I've had a search in your forum and on the wider net, and
possibly think it could have been BLAZEFIND, which when
removed, has now trashed my start up.
However, I really don't know what to do. If anyone could
help, could they point me in the direction of simple to
follows steps to fix it, or could anyone with the time,
let me know how I can fix the problem.
I'm very grateful that you read this post.
Thanks in advance,