Can't log on



Can't log on in safe mode or regular mode I have change the userinit.exe and
wsaupdater.exe but it still not letting me log on.
Please help


I copy c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe c:\windows\system32\wsaupdater.exe
I even deleted wsaupdated


Do you get any error messages? Is it the password which appears to have


no i have not change password it didnot have one all i didi was run antivirus
in safe mode and when i restarted it starter not to log on when you try
logging on it logged off by itself.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


So you suspected you had the blazefind issue? If you copied the file
correctly and the issue still exists, then it means the registry entry may
be damaged, or could also mean the msgina.dll file is damaged or has been
superceded by a third party file. For the registry entry, you can run a
BartPE disk and load the registry hive to edit the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon key
directly. You can also do this from a networked machine *if* you previously
enabled remote registry (it is not on by default). For msgina, you can
expand a new copy from the recovery console. Make sure you use the one from
the I386 folder in the servicepackfiles subdirectory.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

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