Can't load New Win.X.P Upgrade on new hard Drive



I purchased new hard drive,installed and checked out! I purchased Win X.P I
thought was full version,but seems to be an Upgrade. My drive read the CD and
installed drives dlls etc: But when I got to set up ini. I get this message"
setup cannot find previous version of Windows on your computer.To continue,
setup needs verify that you are qualified to use this upgrade Product." Does
that mean I don't have a full version of Windows?? I have no OS on the new
drive so how can I load it???????
Help!! Don Organ Gulf Hammock, Fl.

Ron Sommer

Remove the upgrade CD and put in a previous version of Windows.
This will prove that you had Windows before.
Ronald Sommer

:I purchased new hard drive,installed and checked out! I purchased Win X.P I
: thought was full version,but seems to be an Upgrade. My drive read the CD
: installed drives dlls etc: But when I got to set up ini. I get this
: setup cannot find previous version of Windows on your computer.To
: setup needs verify that you are qualified to use this upgrade Product."
: that mean I don't have a full version of Windows?? I have no OS on the new
: drive so how can I load it???????
: Help!! Don Organ Gulf Hammock, Fl.

Bruce Chambers

Homo said:
I purchased new hard drive,installed and checked out! I purchased Win X.P I
thought was full version,but seems to be an Upgrade. My drive read the CD and
installed drives dlls etc: But when I got to set up ini. I get this message"
setup cannot find previous version of Windows on your computer.To continue,
setup needs verify that you are qualified to use this upgrade Product." Does
that mean I don't have a full version of Windows??

Exactly. It means that you've purchased an Upgrade license. You'll
need to prove that you own an older qualifying product before you can
continue the installation. Otherwise, you'll need to return that
Upgrade license and purchase a full version.

I have no OS on the new
drive so how can I load it???????
Help!! Don Organ Gulf Hammock, Fl.

It's quite possible to perform a clean installation using the
Upgrade CD, provided you have the true installation CD for the earlier

Simply boot from the WinXP Upgrade CD. You'll be offered the
opportunity to delete, create, and format partitions as part of the
installation process. The Upgrade CD checks to see if a qualifying OS
is installed, and, if it finds none, it asks you to insert the
installation media (CD) of that OS. Unfortunately, an OEM
"Recovery/Restore" CD will not work for this purpose; you must have a
true installation CD, complete with the "\Win98" folder and *.cab
files, or the "\i386" folder of WinNT/2K.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell


Ron Sommer said:
Remove the upgrade CD and put in a previous version of Windows.
This will prove that you had Windows before.
Ronald Sommer

:I purchased new hard drive,installed and checked out! I purchased Win X.P I
: thought was full version,but seems to be an Upgrade. My drive read the CD
: installed drives dlls etc: But when I got to set up ini. I get this
: setup cannot find previous version of Windows on your computer.To
: setup needs verify that you are qualified to use this upgrade Product."
: that mean I don't have a full version of Windows?? I have no OS on the new
: drive so how can I load it???????
: Help!! Don Organ Gulf Hammock, Fl.

Thanks for reply!! I have no Win X.p CD. It came loaded on the computer.
I can't boot my old Win. X.P that's why I purchased a new drive and New
I still need help!!


Bruce said:
Exactly. It means that you've purchased an Upgrade license. You'll
need to prove that you own an older qualifying product before you can
continue the installation. Otherwise, you'll need to return that
Upgrade license and purchase a full version.

It's quite possible to perform a clean installation using the
Upgrade CD, provided you have the true installation CD for the earlier

Simply boot from the WinXP Upgrade CD. You'll be offered the
opportunity to delete, create, and format partitions as part of the
installation process. The Upgrade CD checks to see if a qualifying OS
is installed, and, if it finds none, it asks you to insert the
installation media (CD) of that OS. Unfortunately, an OEM
"Recovery/Restore" CD will not work for this purpose; you must have a
true installation CD, complete with the "\Win98" folder and *.cab
files, or the "\i386" folder of WinNT/2K.

If you can't (or don't want to) return your WinXP Upgrade CD, buy a
Windows 98, 98se, or Me CD and use that for your qualifying product (see

You can probably get one of those CDs on eBay for less than the
difference between your XP Upgrade CD and a XP full install CD.


Bruce Chambers said:
Exactly. It means that you've purchased an Upgrade license. You'll
need to prove that you own an older qualifying product before you can
continue the installation. Otherwise, you'll need to return that
Upgrade license and purchase a full version.

It's quite possible to perform a clean installation using the
Upgrade CD, provided you have the true installation CD for the earlier

Simply boot from the WinXP Upgrade CD. You'll be offered the
opportunity to delete, create, and format partitions as part of the
installation process. The Upgrade CD checks to see if a qualifying OS
is installed, and, if it finds none, it asks you to insert the
installation media (CD) of that OS. Unfortunately, an OEM
"Recovery/Restore" CD will not work for this purpose; you must have a
true installation CD, complete with the "\Win98" folder and *.cab
files, or the "\i386" folder of WinNT/2K.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell
Thank you so much . You have solved my problem. I will return the Update and get a full windows.
I see You are a person of patriotism ;thanks for telling people.

"University politics are vicious, precisely because the stakes are so
Henry Kissinger

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