Hello again,
If, by chance, you have to come to read this thread while
looking for answers to why MSASb doesn't launch after a
successful install, I've found a potential solution that
worked for me
and hopefully will for you...
1. Browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft AntiSpyware (or
location where you installed MSASb)
2. Open errors.log
3. Upon doing so, I found numerous entries for the
following error:
Component 'COMDLG32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not
correctly registered: a file is missing or
2005 hh:mm:ss AM:XP:1.0.501
Sidebar: Hmmm...funny, I never received this error before
now even with numerous other programs accessing the
Common Dialog functions and not reporting any
difficulties, but, then again, this *is* an ActiveX
Control, not exactly MS's best display of programming
prowress or pinnacle of technical achievement
Ohhh, how I do "long" to see a secure, stable WinOS, at
least as secure and stable as can be reasonably achieved
once the decision is made to stop supporting DOS
dinosaurs and countless other outdated, thoroughly
antiquated relics of programs way, way past their prime
in order to *enable* hidebound luddites afraid of
embracing the future...
Enough editorializing already, back to the issue at hand.
Further research confirmed the problem...
4. COMDLG32.OCX is now apparently corrupted for some
unknown reason, requiring one of two solutions:
a) First option - re-register the OCX using Regsvr32
b) Second option - install a fresh copy of the OCX
5. To re-register the OCX, click Start then Run...
6. Type Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx then
press Enter
(note: search first to validate the path where
comdlg32.ocx resides on your system)
7. This didn't work for me, the OCX was totally shot
....on to Option #2...
8. Search the Web for a replacement OCX
9. Once located and downloaded, *RENAME* the old version
of the OCX (i.e. comdlg32.ocx to comdlg32.bak)
10. Install the OCX in the same directory as the old
11. Register the OCX
12. Click Start then Run...
13. Type Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx then
press Enter
14. You should receive a confirmation message saying the
new OCX is registered
15. Uninstall MSASb (if you haven't done so already),
reboot your computer and then re-install MSASb
Worked for me...I hope it does the same for you...
Good Luck...