Can't join local network



For some reason, the local network has disappeared from my computer running
XP Home. It was working before. My other computers are networked normally.
I tried running both the network setup wizard and the network troubleshooting
wizard to no avail. My DSL connection works - I can get on the internet. I
can ping the other computers on the network, but they cannot ping this
computer. The computer name is correct and the workgroup name is correct
(WORKGROUP). I also tried going back to a restore point where I thought
the network was working - no luck. When I click on Microsoft Windows
Network, I get the error: "Unable to browse the network. The network is not
present or not started." The help button on that dialog box goes nowhere.


For some reason, the local network has disappeared from my computer running
XP Home. It was working before. My other computers are networked normally.
I tried running both the network setup wizard and the network troubleshooting
wizard to no avail. My DSL connection works - I can get on the internet. I
can ping the other computers on the network, but they cannot ping this
computer. The computer name is correct and the workgroup name is correct
(WORKGROUP). I also tried going back to a restore point where I thought
the network was working - no luck. When I click on Microsoft Windows
Network, I get the error: "Unable to browse the network. The network is not
present or not started." The help button on that dialog box goes nowhere.


Well, if the network isn't present, you have a problem.

Try running the Network Setup Wizard first. Since (I hope) you have a router,
This computer connects to the Internet through another computer on my network or
through a residential gateway.

See what error (if any) you get. Check the Event Log too.

And make sure that all components and services are installed.


Thank you, Chuck! Your article about "Troubleshooting Network Neighborhood
Problems" pointed me to 2 services that were on "automatic" but not
"started": Workstation service and Server service. I started them and then
ran the network setup wizzard again, and voila! There was my network. I am
most grateful for your help.

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