DanS said:
The experienced hobbiest programmer is probably *the* last person that
would dump VB6 for (sic)VB.Net.
The experience hobbyist programmer shouldn't dump old technology, but he or
she would be a fool not to move towards new technology either.
I don't think you are a software developer, because otherwise, you wouldn't
be saying this, and you don't know the differences between VB 6 and COM DLL
Hell with VB6 and the registry, as opposed, to VB.Net or C#.Net solutions
that are pure .Net solutions that don't use the registry period. VB6 cannot
touch VB.Net. I have used VB6 and VB.Net professionally for many years.
When you've got years of learning a programming language and then an
'update' breaks a LOT of it, it's not an update. VB.Net is in no way
shape or form VBc.
When they came from VB 3/4 to VB 5, it broke everything, because they were
starting to move it to an OOP language. When they came from VB5 to VB6, it
broke everything, because VB6 came most of the way to being an OOP language
but not all the way. VB.Net is a pure OOP programming language, and VB.NET
is more powerful in that regard than VB6 and COM will ever be, along with
VB.net being able to use many features in .NET, and VB.Net being a managed
code language.
MS has produced no viable path to 'upgrade' VB6 apps to .Net. The import
tool _sometimes_ works on only the _most_ basic of apps.
That is why many still use VB6.
That's not the reason developers don't go to VB.net from VB 6. If a solution
is not broke, then why fix it, by doing an upgrade?
And if one has any sense, they will rewrite the code in VB.Net, because the
learning curve between VB6 and VB.net is not that much, not unlike coming
all the way from VB 3 to VB6, with each successive version of VB.
Oddly enough, while MS continues to try to give away the .Net Express
edition of VB.Net, people are still willing to pay a good dollar for the
'archaic' or 'obsolete' version 6 of VB, used or new, as witnessed by a
couple of EBay auctions....
This is BS, because of professionals like me that don't have to go buy a
professional edition to keep pace as the versions and thecnology changes,
which is what I did to gain insight when coming from .Net 2003 to .Net 2005,
and soon to be .Net 2008 when the time is right, which I can download the
Express versions and keep pace, unlike the previous versions of non .Net
VS(s). Either one got a pirated copy from the job, someone one knew had a
pirated copy or one went out a brought it.
The .Net Express versions are not solely for the hobbyist, and if you think
that they are, then you are just kidding yourself. It was a smart move by
MS to make it free to keep pace with the competition, so developers wouldn't
be inclined to jump ship due to cost to pick up new technology. There is not
much that those Express editions cannot do, as opposed to the professional
versions, because by using the Express versions in learning, one doesn't
have such a learning curve when getting to the professional editions, and
the lanuages they support.
By using the Express versions, it makes the transition much easier, along
with getting the right books to make the transition to one version to the
next with technical differences between versions with very little cost to
the professional.
These types of books and others for the hobbyist or professional can be used
to make a transition.
As to the OP's situation, InterDev came with Visual Studio 6 (Enterprise
?) and they all use one common installer.
All they did was took InterDev and incorporated it in VS .Net solutions,a
and they did that in VS 2000, one could easily see parts of Interdev in VS
2000, if one had worked with Interdev 6.