Can't install SP2


Conrad Hoffman

My flea market computer evidently has a bogus copy of XP pro on it so SP2
says it doesn't like the key.
If I go buy a new copy can I install over the old and fix the problem?
I have lots of other stuff on the machine and can't imagine starting over.
Can someone suggest what coarse of action to take.


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Conrad,

Yes, a real copy of WinXP Pro can be used to do a repair installation of the
bogus installation and preserve your user profiles, software, settings, and
data. What you will need to do is a repair installation using the legitimate
key. Follow these steps:

1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM
2. Restart your computer. If you have to, change the BIOS settings to start
the CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer again.
3. At the "Welcome to Setup" page, press ENTER (not "r" to repair).
4. Press F8 to accept the Licensing Agreement.
5. Use the arrow keys to select the installation of Windows XP that you want
repair, and then press R to start the automatic repair process.
6. When Setup is completed, activate Windows XP.

I strongly suggest that you physically disconnect the system from the
internet until you are absolutely sure that the firewall is up and running,
as the fresh install will be very susceptible to all the viruses still out
there actively seeking unprotected machines.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Sky King

Conrad said:
My flea market computer evidently has a bogus copy of XP pro on it so
SP2 says it doesn't like the key.
If I go buy a new copy can I install over the old and fix the problem?
I have lots of other stuff on the machine and can't imagine starting
over. Can someone suggest what coarse of action to take.


In addition to the excellent advice that Rick posted, you may be able to
simply change the bogus registration key to the valid one you'll have once
you purchase a retail copy of XP Pro. Here's how to do that:;en-us;810892



Tom "Sky" King

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Sky,

I think that only works when changing volume license or "like" keys. IIRC,
it doesn't work with changing from the pirated volume license to the retail
keys, so the user will have to do it the hard way (repair install). It'd be
nice if it does work though, a lot less work for the person who got duped.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Conrad Hoffman

Thanks for the help

Rick "Nutcase" Rogers said:
Hi Conrad,

Yes, a real copy of WinXP Pro can be used to do a repair installation of the
bogus installation and preserve your user profiles, software, settings, and
data. What you will need to do is a repair installation using the legitimate
key. Follow these steps:

1. Insert the Windows XP CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM
2. Restart your computer. If you have to, change the BIOS settings to start
the CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer again.
3. At the "Welcome to Setup" page, press ENTER (not "r" to repair).
4. Press F8 to accept the Licensing Agreement.
5. Use the arrow keys to select the installation of Windows XP that you want
repair, and then press R to start the automatic repair process.
6. When Setup is completed, activate Windows XP.

I strongly suggest that you physically disconnect the system from the
internet until you are absolutely sure that the firewall is up and running,
as the fresh install will be very susceptible to all the viruses still out
there actively seeking unprotected machines.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

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