mzlnsoccer said:
I obviusly havewindowx xp service pack 1, and whenever I try to install the
sp2 version I got form microsoft Update, it always cuts the installationand
says access denied. This seems weird to me since I am the computer
administrator. Please help.
Hello mzlnsoccer !
Upgrading Service Packs is a major upgrade for the OS so before upgrading it
needs some special things to be done before proceeding . You need to check
the minimal system requirements and also you need to remove ALL kind of
malicious software (viruses,spyware...) from your computer .
From what you write it's difficult for me to diagnose the problem so I would
recommend you first reinstall your Windows XP and start a fresh clean session
and after that immediately install SP2 . Reinstalling with full format of the
hard drive will eliminate all possible errors and corruptions you could have
on your computer , will remove possible infections so that you can
successfully upgrade to SP2 .
Also reinstalling is the fastest solutions , it will take you some hours but
diagnosing the possible problems will definitely take more , a lot more .
Don't forget that before reinstalling Windows you need to have a back-up of
all your important data (documents , pics , music ...) because formatting the
hard drive remove everything permanently . You can create back-up on CD or
DVD , USB flash memory etc...
Here is a description how to reinstall Windows XP
More about SP2 can be found here
Good luck !