Can't install OEM XP Pro--have XP Home now



Hi, I purchased a copy of XP Pro w/sp2. I can not get this to install. I
deleted partitions, formatted and it still will not work. It starts out
fine- copies files and such. Everytime it gets a little over half way through
installing devices(according to the little bar graph in the lower left
corner)it goes to a screen which states it can not install in order to
prevent damage to the computer. I ended up reinstalling XP Home and I noticed
something. While I am reinstalling XP Home. the screen blacks out a couple
times, right at the point when it is installing devices and stops for XP Pro,
It does come back and finish installing though. I did try and install
without deleting partitions, but it just keeps rebooting at the installing
devices part. Is there anything I can do to remedy this situation? I really
do not know why they can not make this a simple process--just put the cd in
and it automatically does whatever it needs to install...


exiled1 said:
Hi, I purchased a copy of XP Pro w/sp2. I can not get this to install. I
deleted partitions, formatted and it still will not work. It starts out
fine- copies files and such. Everytime it gets a little over half way
installing devices(according to the little bar graph in the lower left
corner)it goes to a screen which states it can not install in order to
prevent damage to the computer. I ended up reinstalling XP Home and I
something. While I am reinstalling XP Home. the screen blacks out a
times, right at the point when it is installing devices and stops for XP
It does come back and finish installing though. I did try and install
without deleting partitions, but it just keeps rebooting at the installing
devices part. Is there anything I can do to remedy this situation? I
do not know why they can not make this a simple process--just put the cd
and it automatically does whatever it needs to install...


exiled1 said:
Hi, I purchased a copy of XP Pro w/sp2. I can not get this to install. I
deleted partitions, formatted and it still will not work. It starts out
fine- copies files and such. Everytime it gets a little over half way
installing devices(according to the little bar graph in the lower left
corner)it goes to a screen which states it can not install in order to
prevent damage to the computer. I ended up reinstalling XP Home and I
something. While I am reinstalling XP Home. the screen blacks out a
times, right at the point when it is installing devices and stops for XP
It does come back and finish installing though. I did try and install
without deleting partitions, but it just keeps rebooting at the installing
devices part. Is there anything I can do to remedy this situation? I
do not know why they can not make this a simple process--just put the cd
and it automatically does whatever it needs to install...
The process works very well if you use a retail version of the CD.

Bruce Chambers

exiled1 said:
Hi, I purchased a copy of XP Pro w/sp2. I can not get this to install. I
deleted partitions, formatted and it still will not work. It starts out
fine- copies files and such. Everytime it gets a little over half way through
installing devices(according to the little bar graph in the lower left
corner)it goes to a screen which states it can not install in order to
prevent damage to the computer. I ended up reinstalling XP Home and I noticed
something. While I am reinstalling XP Home. the screen blacks out a couple
times, right at the point when it is installing devices and stops for XP Pro,
It does come back and finish installing though. I did try and install
without deleting partitions, but it just keeps rebooting at the installing
devices part. Is there anything I can do to remedy this situation? I really
do not know why they can not make this a simple process--just put the cd in
and it automatically does whatever it needs to install...

It would appear that the installation is stalling at the point where it
installs video drivers. This shouldn't be a problem for a retail or
generic OEM installation CD, but a branded OEM CD could well cause
behave like this. Precisely what kind of WinXP CD and license did you
purchase? (Hint: If it was a branded OEM CD, it can only be installed
on the make/model PC for which it was designed.)


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH


Thanks--According to the person with whom I purchased this, it is an
unbranded generic OEM XP Pro. It came with COA and key code. Is there a way
to find out if this is a branded cd or not? The packaging or the disc doesn't
state anything specific, it just states that it is for distribution with a
new PC only-doesn't mention a specific brand though.

Bruce Chambers

exiled1 said:
Thanks--According to the person with whom I purchased this, it is an
unbranded generic OEM XP Pro.

Why would you have even asked? Couldn't you have looked at the CD?

It came with COA and key code.Is there a way
to find out if this is a branded cd or not?

Yes, there is. Look at the CD. Does have a computer manufacturer's
brand name (i.e., Dell, Gateway, Sony, etc.) on it? If so, it's
obviously a branded CD.

The packaging or the disc doesn't
state anything specific, it just states that it is for distribution with a
new PC only-doesn't mention a specific brand though.

Then it's unbranded. It should have worked, but might well be
defective, particularly since WinXP Home will install under the same


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH

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