R Rick Rogers Sep 18, 2006 #2 To my knowledge, McAfee has not yet produced a Vista-compatible program. -- Best of Luck, Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
To my knowledge, McAfee has not yet produced a Vista-compatible program. -- Best of Luck, Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
G Guest Sep 21, 2006 #3 there is a beta version 8.5 of mcAfee VirusScan availeble on the McAfee website. You have to register to download it. look at this: http://secure.nai.com/us/enterprise/downloads/beta/
there is a beta version 8.5 of mcAfee VirusScan availeble on the McAfee website. You have to register to download it. look at this: http://secure.nai.com/us/enterprise/downloads/beta/