Can't install Fax Starter

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I am using Outlook 2000 and for some reason I lost Symantec Fax starter that
Outlook using for sending faxes. I reinstated it using the wizard. Should
the Fax Started be listed under my printer and faxes dialog box. How do I
get it there.
Depends on your operating system.
WinFax SE was designed for use with Windows 98. It was a crap shoot even
then to see if it would work. Odds grew steadily worse thereafter.
How did you "lose" it? How did you "reinstate" it?
What little information existed for this program is archived here:
To complete the installation of WinFAX SE, you may launch Outlook2000
and set it to recognize the FAX modem equipped in your PC pointing TOOL
-OPTION, and FAX tab.

When I try to install winfax starter I am now getting an error message 'INF
install failure. Reason Access denied.
Any suggestions.

What your OS and ServicePack version ?

I tried Office2000 + Win FAX SE on WindowsXP Pro SP2 and
it worked properly when I launched Outlook2000 and pointed TOOL
-OPTION, FAX tab, recognizing FAX modem as CLASS1.
Now I updated to OfficeXP Pro and WinFAX Pro 10.4.
No problem happened so far.

If you succeeded to install Win FAX SE last time and it worked, I
suggest you may uninstall and re-install Offce2000 and try to install
WinFAX SE again.
