Can't install drivers or programs


Tony Raven

My laptop, sans hard disk has been off for repair. When I got it back
and refitted the hard disk I had a number of problems that seem to track
to not being able to write dll files to the system32 folder. The two
symptoms were that I could not install drivers - they came up as access
denied - and I cannot install new programs that write dll files to the
system32 folder. A quick test shows that while I can copy and paste
other files in the folder it will not allow it with dll files with a
"Cannot Copy, Access Denied".

This file writing limitation is not there in Safe Mode and I have been
able to install hardware drivers in Safe Mode and the cut and paste test
works then. However since InstallShield does not run in Safe Mode I
cannot install new programmes which halt with an unable to write
c:/windows/system32/xxx.dll. I also have had installs stop in other
ways with Installer having Insuffiecient Priviledges.

I have checked security permissions and have full control as far as I
can see and been through the Bios and I'm now at a loss as to what to do

Any help would be appreciated.


Tony Raven

cngn said:
Just right click on the \windows\ directory and goto
Security\advanced\Owner and take ownership of the entire directory and
all it's subs, should work after that

Already been there and done that without success. Also because its OK
in safe mode I thought it might be something in the anti-virus software
preventing the file writing so I stopped all but the essential systems
programs running to no avail.


Tony Raven

Tony said:
Already been there and done that without success. Also because its OK
in safe mode I thought it might be something in the anti-virus software
preventing the file writing so I stopped all but the essential systems
programs running to no avail.


Just for the record the problem is now sorted. I had had a security
program, Prevx, installed which monitors changes and asks for
permissions to add or change e.g. registry entries. This had been
uninstalled but left a service running in the background that was
automatically blocking without asking permission. Once the service was
switched from automatic load to disabled, everything came right. So if
you have Prevx and uninstall it any time make sure it really has gone.


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