Terry Smerling
I have tried unsuccessfully to install two different 1 TB hard drives -- a
Samsung and a Western Digital; and each time I could not get my system to
"see" the drive. Instead, my system reports a 32mb drive. I have a fairly
new system with Windows Vista factory-loaded on it. My goal is to reinstall
Vista onto the new drive. When I attempt to install Vista, the Vista
install program likewise reports that the new drive is only 32mb. Can
anyone steer me in the right direction? Could it be a BIOS problem?
Samsung and a Western Digital; and each time I could not get my system to
"see" the drive. Instead, my system reports a 32mb drive. I have a fairly
new system with Windows Vista factory-loaded on it. My goal is to reinstall
Vista onto the new drive. When I attempt to install Vista, the Vista
install program likewise reports that the new drive is only 32mb. Can
anyone steer me in the right direction? Could it be a BIOS problem?