In a table, There are Numeric, date and text fields,if I open table
using the UI and enter a new record leaving the
Numeric and date fields empty, It can insert records into a table.
But It can't insert a record into the table using INSERT INTO statement
when input data on the form and leaving the Numeric and date fields
empty. I have set numeric and date field's Required property to No.
How to solve this problem? thanks.
My table structure is:
GroupCategory text 50
EquipNo text 15
EquipDesc text 200
AssetNo text 50
PartNo text 50
ModelNo text 50
SerialNo text 50
EquipDetails Memo -
OriginalCost Single 4
Location text 50
PurchasedDate Date/Time 8
InstalledDate Date/Time 8
WarranteeUntil Date/Time 8
TechnicalFile text 100
Manufacturer text 200
OutOfService Integer 2
OutUntil Date/Time 8
TakenOut Date/Time 8
LastReadingDate Date/Time 8
CurrentHours Single 4
CurrentMiles Single 4
CurrentKM Single 4
My SQL statement is:
MySQL = "INSERT INTO [Equipment] VALUES('" & Me![cbGroupCat] & "','" &
Me![tbEquipNo] & "',""" & Me![tbEquipDesc] & """,""" & Me![tbAssetNo] &
""",""" & Me![tbPartNo] & """,""" & Me![tbModelNo] & """,""" &
Me![tbSerialNo] & """,""" & Me![tbDetails] & """," & tbOriginCost & ",'" &
tbLocation & "',#" & tbPurchasedDate & "#,#" & tbInstalledDate & "#,#" &
tbWarranteeUntil & "#,""" & tbTechFile & """,""" & tbMFR & """,1,#" &
tbOutUntil & "#,#" & tbTakenOut & "#,#" & tbLastReading & "#," &
tbCurrentHours & "," & tbCurrentMiles & "," & tbCurrentKM & ");"
using the UI and enter a new record leaving the
Numeric and date fields empty, It can insert records into a table.
But It can't insert a record into the table using INSERT INTO statement
when input data on the form and leaving the Numeric and date fields
empty. I have set numeric and date field's Required property to No.
How to solve this problem? thanks.
My table structure is:
GroupCategory text 50
EquipNo text 15
EquipDesc text 200
AssetNo text 50
PartNo text 50
ModelNo text 50
SerialNo text 50
EquipDetails Memo -
OriginalCost Single 4
Location text 50
PurchasedDate Date/Time 8
InstalledDate Date/Time 8
WarranteeUntil Date/Time 8
TechnicalFile text 100
Manufacturer text 200
OutOfService Integer 2
OutUntil Date/Time 8
TakenOut Date/Time 8
LastReadingDate Date/Time 8
CurrentHours Single 4
CurrentMiles Single 4
CurrentKM Single 4
My SQL statement is:
MySQL = "INSERT INTO [Equipment] VALUES('" & Me![cbGroupCat] & "','" &
Me![tbEquipNo] & "',""" & Me![tbEquipDesc] & """,""" & Me![tbAssetNo] &
""",""" & Me![tbPartNo] & """,""" & Me![tbModelNo] & """,""" &
Me![tbSerialNo] & """,""" & Me![tbDetails] & """," & tbOriginCost & ",'" &
tbLocation & "',#" & tbPurchasedDate & "#,#" & tbInstalledDate & "#,#" &
tbWarranteeUntil & "#,""" & tbTechFile & """,""" & tbMFR & """,1,#" &
tbOutUntil & "#,#" & tbTakenOut & "#,#" & tbLastReading & "#," &
tbCurrentHours & "," & tbCurrentMiles & "," & tbCurrentKM & ");"