Cant increase refresh rate

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Just got a "powered by ati" radeon 9200 dual head PCI video card. I have a
Dell 20" CRT hooked up to the VGA, and an Acer 17" hooked up via a DVI->VGA

The Dell definately can run at 1280x1024 @ 85hz (I used to on my old ATI AIW
card). The new video card being 6 years newer than my old ATI and having 8x
the memory (and considerably more processing power) should definately be
able to support the higher refresh too.

The problem is that under the 'montior' tab (after clicking on 'advanced' in
'display properties' with the correct display selected), nothing happens
above 75hz. I have the option for a maximum of 85hz, but when I click on it
and hit apply, the screen blacks for a split second (but the monitor doesn't
make the click sound), and windows thinks/says its running at 85hz, but the
monitor and my eyes say its still 75hz.

I'm thinking that there must be something in the registry preventing this
from happening since before it detected the monitor by plug-n-pray it gave
me the option of a dozen refresh modes and if I selected any of them,
windows would think its running at the new refresh but the screen would run
at 60hz still. This seems to imply that something beyond the hardware or
'display properties' is at work. This is a new computer, but strangely I had
similar problems with my past machine and only after hours of tinkering did
I ever get it resolved (ATI was of no help). The latest drivers also do

My eyes thank you...
Until I install the monitor .inf file for my monitor, I can not refresh
above 85 hz. If I install the correct .inf file, I can set refresh to 120

Set your computer up properly with "all" that it needs!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :-)