Having trouble with one particular Excel 2003 spreadsheet using 'Get External
Data'. Have tried importing named range and/or worksheet, with and without
column heading,s with and without indexing and with and without primary key
but get an unspecified error each time ('File cannote be imported' or similar
but no information on why). Tried using 'paste append' but only first 10
columns out of 14 imported. Tried simple copying and pasting but only first
21 records imported. Data is simple text/numeric. Can't spot anything odd.
Other spreadsheets import ok. Please help - it's driving me mad and holding
me up. Access tables view says 'Access 2000 file format' - can't remember
whether/how this is significant.
Data'. Have tried importing named range and/or worksheet, with and without
column heading,s with and without indexing and with and without primary key
but get an unspecified error each time ('File cannote be imported' or similar
but no information on why). Tried using 'paste append' but only first 10
columns out of 14 imported. Tried simple copying and pasting but only first
21 records imported. Data is simple text/numeric. Can't spot anything odd.
Other spreadsheets import ok. Please help - it's driving me mad and holding
me up. Access tables view says 'Access 2000 file format' - can't remember
whether/how this is significant.