Can't go to secure sites using IE


Randy T

I have no problems surfing the web, until I try to go to a
secure site, like my bank account. Then I get a "page
cannot be found" error. Also can't go to Windows Update. I
get an error message about Active X not being active. I
have set the security settings in IE to their lowest
setting, but the problem is still there. Any help is

Randy T

S Vijay [MSFT]

Hi Randy,

From the information you have given, it seems that you are unable to browse
only the secured web sites.

If you try to browse secure Web sites, you may receive the following
message in the browser window:
" The page cannot be displayed " and additionally, you may be unable to
download files from secure Web sites.

This behavior may occur if, "Your Windows user profile is corrupted". You
can resolve the issue by deleting your user profile:

To delete your existing user profile, follow these steps.

NOTE: You must be logged on as Administrator to the local computer to
delete user profiles.

1.Log on as Administrator or as a user with administrator rights.
2.On the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
3.Double-click System, and then click the User Profiles tab.
4.Under Profiles stored on this computer, click the profile that you want
to delete, and then click Delete.
5.Log off.
6.Log on as the user account whose profile you deleted in step 4, and then
reconfigure your desktop environment with the settings that you want.

For further information you can access the KB article given below:;en-us;303807&Product=ie600

Hope the above information helps you resolve the issue.

Vijay S

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