I've written a function that figures number of days from a given date. It
works well, but I am trying to make if fly from within a subform and make it
plug the result into a field in the parent form and I'm not getting the
syntax right. Everything within the If statement works, but the last
statement generates a missing object error. The whole statement is
highlighted in the editor, so I'm not sure which part is the offending part.
Can someone help? Many thanks!
If Not IsNull(DLookup("BusDayLimit", "qryTimeLimits", _
"[HearingType] = '" & Forms!frmMain!frmHearings.Form.HearingType & "'"))
lngNumDays = DLookup("BusDayLimit", "qryTimeLimits", _
"[HearingType] = '" & Forms!frmMain!frmHearings.Form.HearingType & "'")
Else: MsgBox "Data Error! Last day calculation failed. ", vbExclamation,
"Data Error"
End If
Forms!frmMain!frmHearings.Form!LastDate = _
CalcLastDay(Forms!frmMain!frmHearings.Form!ReviewDate, lngNumDays, _
db.Properties("bWeekends"), db.Properties("bHolidays"))
works well, but I am trying to make if fly from within a subform and make it
plug the result into a field in the parent form and I'm not getting the
syntax right. Everything within the If statement works, but the last
statement generates a missing object error. The whole statement is
highlighted in the editor, so I'm not sure which part is the offending part.
Can someone help? Many thanks!
If Not IsNull(DLookup("BusDayLimit", "qryTimeLimits", _
"[HearingType] = '" & Forms!frmMain!frmHearings.Form.HearingType & "'"))
lngNumDays = DLookup("BusDayLimit", "qryTimeLimits", _
"[HearingType] = '" & Forms!frmMain!frmHearings.Form.HearingType & "'")
Else: MsgBox "Data Error! Last day calculation failed. ", vbExclamation,
"Data Error"
End If
Forms!frmMain!frmHearings.Form!LastDate = _
CalcLastDay(Forms!frmMain!frmHearings.Form!ReviewDate, lngNumDays, _
db.Properties("bWeekends"), db.Properties("bHolidays"))