Can't get past 2 Records, how to get 3,4,5...

  • Thread starter Thread starter martha.dempsey
  • Start date Start date


ON Form_LOAD I have the following:

NewRecordMark Me
End Sub
Sub NewRecordMark(frm As Form)
Dim intnewrec As Integer

intnewrec = frm.NewRecord
If intnewrec = True Then
MsgBox "You're in a new record." _
& "Do you want to add new data?" _
& "If not, move to an existing record."
End If

I get to the next record but all I get is record 2 and the
new record * goes off. How can I get to add 3,4,5...?

You don't need any of this! When the form opens, just click on the button with
the asterisk at the far right of the navigation buttons. After entering your
data in a new record, click on the same button to save the record and go to
another new record.
You are right! It works! I was having problems with
indexes so any changes I made didn't save record #2 and
the asterisk would not available to move forward.
Corrected the index problems and I am off to the next item
(setting an account number to automatic populate with the
next number, i.e. Record #1 44-231, Record #2 44-232, so
