Hello, I am working on some code to access a legacy data source through
ADO.NET. The legacy vendor has provided us with an ODBC driver. The driver
usually works, but on 20% of trials, it throws an ODBC error. We have
looked into eradicating the error, but concluded that it is not eliminable.
So I need to handle occasional errors in my calling program. So far, so
We know what this ODBC error looks like from writing short JDBC programs to
make it reproduce:
[Legacy Vendor, Inc.][LegacyODBC Driver][ISAM]System error
I figured that under J#, I would be catching a SQLException similar to the
one thrown by JDBC. But I can't get Microsoft's OdbcDataAdapter to
propagate the exception. When I execute the J# code at the bottom of this
post, the program hangs. I assume the cause of the hang is this sequence of
events: (a) the ODBC error occurs, then (b) Microsoft handles it inside one
of the .NET classes rather than propagating it.
Is there some switch I need to toggle in order to get ODBC errors at the
data source to propagate out of the OdbcDataAdapter class as regular
Exceptions? I have already tried adding a FillErrorEventHandler delegate as
a possible solution, but as you can see from
"The FillError event is not returned if the source of the error is generated
at the data source."
package ConsoleApplication1;
import System.Data.Odbc.* ;
import System.Data.* ;
public class Class1
public Class1()
/** @attribute System.STAThread() */
public static void main(String[] args)
OdbcConnection southConnection = new OdbcConnection( "DSN=ACAC" ) ;
OdbcCommand southCommand = new OdbcCommand( "select * from TABLE1",
southConnection ) ;
OdbcDataAdapter southAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter( southCommand ) ;
southAdapter.add_FillError( new FillErrorEventHandler( handle ) ) ;
System.out.println( southAdapter.get_ContinueUpdateOnError() ) ;
southConnection.Open() ;
DataSet southDataset = new DataSet() ;
System.out.println( southAdapter.Fill( southDataset, "TABLE1" ) ) ;
DataRowCollection rows =
southDataset.get_Tables().get_Item("TABLE1").get_Rows() ;
System.out.println( rows.get_Item( 0 ).get_Item( 0 ) ) ;
catch( System.Exception e )
System.out.println( e.get_Message() ) ;
protected static void handle( Object sender, FillErrorEventArgs args )
throws System.Exception
args.set_Continue( false ) ;
System.out.println( "Handler is executing." ) ;
System.Exception f = args.get_Errors() ;
throw f ;
ADO.NET. The legacy vendor has provided us with an ODBC driver. The driver
usually works, but on 20% of trials, it throws an ODBC error. We have
looked into eradicating the error, but concluded that it is not eliminable.
So I need to handle occasional errors in my calling program. So far, so
We know what this ODBC error looks like from writing short JDBC programs to
make it reproduce:
[Legacy Vendor, Inc.][LegacyODBC Driver][ISAM]System error
I figured that under J#, I would be catching a SQLException similar to the
one thrown by JDBC. But I can't get Microsoft's OdbcDataAdapter to
propagate the exception. When I execute the J# code at the bottom of this
post, the program hangs. I assume the cause of the hang is this sequence of
events: (a) the ODBC error occurs, then (b) Microsoft handles it inside one
of the .NET classes rather than propagating it.
Is there some switch I need to toggle in order to get ODBC errors at the
data source to propagate out of the OdbcDataAdapter class as regular
Exceptions? I have already tried adding a FillErrorEventHandler delegate as
a possible solution, but as you can see from
"The FillError event is not returned if the source of the error is generated
at the data source."
package ConsoleApplication1;
import System.Data.Odbc.* ;
import System.Data.* ;
public class Class1
public Class1()
/** @attribute System.STAThread() */
public static void main(String[] args)
OdbcConnection southConnection = new OdbcConnection( "DSN=ACAC" ) ;
OdbcCommand southCommand = new OdbcCommand( "select * from TABLE1",
southConnection ) ;
OdbcDataAdapter southAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter( southCommand ) ;
southAdapter.add_FillError( new FillErrorEventHandler( handle ) ) ;
System.out.println( southAdapter.get_ContinueUpdateOnError() ) ;
southConnection.Open() ;
DataSet southDataset = new DataSet() ;
System.out.println( southAdapter.Fill( southDataset, "TABLE1" ) ) ;
DataRowCollection rows =
southDataset.get_Tables().get_Item("TABLE1").get_Rows() ;
System.out.println( rows.get_Item( 0 ).get_Item( 0 ) ) ;
catch( System.Exception e )
System.out.println( e.get_Message() ) ;
protected static void handle( Object sender, FillErrorEventArgs args )
throws System.Exception
args.set_Continue( false ) ;
System.out.println( "Handler is executing." ) ;
System.Exception f = args.get_Errors() ;
throw f ;