Sorry if this is the wrong group for this, but I'm not sure what would be
the right one ...
I get this error with Newsbin:
11/06/2004 15:44:33 SERVER=newsgroups.bellsouth.net,
MSG=Error talking to Server: 200 Powered by Highwinds Software --
http://www.highwinds-software.com/ (Tornado v1.0.6)
11/06/2004 15:44:33 PROTOCOL=Engine Process,
MSG=Unspecified Network Error
I'm using the same server and account/password with Newsbin that I use with
Forte Agent. Yet Newsbin won't work. The error message doesn't offer much
the right one ...
I get this error with Newsbin:
11/06/2004 15:44:33 SERVER=newsgroups.bellsouth.net,
MSG=Error talking to Server: 200 Powered by Highwinds Software --
http://www.highwinds-software.com/ (Tornado v1.0.6)
11/06/2004 15:44:33 PROTOCOL=Engine Process,
MSG=Unspecified Network Error
I'm using the same server and account/password with Newsbin that I use with
Forte Agent. Yet Newsbin won't work. The error message doesn't offer much