Can't Get Listbox Value



Yet more listbox woes! My listbox has two items, oak and pine. In the
userform's initialize routine, I add the items and set the listindex to 1.
When I click the userform's Ok button, it runs this code:
msgbox me.lstMater.listindex & " " & me.lstMater.value
This displays a messagebox which shows 1, but no value! What gives? The
Multiselect property is set to 0, and if I select one of the two items with
the mouse before clicking Ok, the message box shows the listindex and the
value. Thanks again, James


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MsgBox Me.lstMater.ListIndex & " " & Me.lstMater.Value
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
lstMater.AddItem "Oak"
lstMater.AddItem "Pine"
lstMater.ListIndex = 1

End Sub

worked fine for me. xl2003.

Test it in a new workbook and then if it works there, try to figure out what
you are doing that would interfere.


Tom, many thanks for all your help. I haven't used VBA in a while. Must be
getting rusty! There was a problem in another part of the userform's code.
I fixed that earlier, but the listbox still wouldn't cooperate. I think
that closing the userform and its code in the VBE and then closing the file
and reopening it fixed the problem. This seems strange, but I think I've
run into this sort of thing before with userforms. Anyway, it's working
Best regards, James

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