Matthew Wells
I thought this was supposed to be simple. I'm trying to use a .js file for
my javascript functions. I'm testing by only using one function The
function works when it's at the top of my aspx file.
The file is called "MyFunctions.js" which was imported on the page load
event of the code-behind form with
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "MyFuncs",
"MyFunctions.js", true); - I've used this with both true and false and with
adding script tags myself in the .js file.
I've also tried
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(this.GetType(), "MyFuncs",
The .js file is in the same directory as the page. and has only one
function SayHello()
I added the function call on the code behind page load
btnLast.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SayHello()");
is there supposed to be some directive in the .js file?
Any ideas? This is driving me nuts!!!
Matthew Wells
(e-mail address removed)
I thought this was supposed to be simple. I'm trying to use a .js file for
my javascript functions. I'm testing by only using one function The
function works when it's at the top of my aspx file.
The file is called "MyFunctions.js" which was imported on the page load
event of the code-behind form with
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "MyFuncs",
"MyFunctions.js", true); - I've used this with both true and false and with
adding script tags myself in the .js file.
I've also tried
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(this.GetType(), "MyFuncs",
The .js file is in the same directory as the page. and has only one
function SayHello()
I added the function call on the code behind page load
btnLast.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SayHello()");
is there supposed to be some directive in the .js file?
Any ideas? This is driving me nuts!!!
Matthew Wells
(e-mail address removed)