I've got an IBM portable PC with an UltraBay Plus (a bay for either CD or
floppy device, not both at the same time) and have my hard drive
partitioned in two parts.
One is formatted NTFS, and contains Windows XP, the other one is
FAT32 and for now is almost empty. I've installed DOS 6.11 on the
latter one, and when I start the computer, it only recognizes this
partition. I can't start XP anymore! And worse, I can't empty my FAT32
partition, cause command.co9m can't be removed.
How do I either install Windows again, or return to my original
floppy device, not both at the same time) and have my hard drive
partitioned in two parts.
One is formatted NTFS, and contains Windows XP, the other one is
FAT32 and for now is almost empty. I've installed DOS 6.11 on the
latter one, and when I start the computer, it only recognizes this
partition. I can't start XP anymore! And worse, I can't empty my FAT32
partition, cause command.co9m can't be removed.
How do I either install Windows again, or return to my original