cant find web page

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All of a sudden I cannot get onto a frequently used web site. The web site
is up , I can acess from another network, but when I get home and use the
home network it will not view. I have attempted on several computers, and
none can find the site. I get the site not found messaage.

From another network I have no proble. Its not firewall related. the other
compiters have different firewall software. I ahev turned of router and then
additionally reset the router. I have no problems with any other web site
just this one.

Would I be correct that the ISP has somehow screwed something up. Is there
a way of proving definitively??

I need to book flights and this is a real pain.

Any help really appreciated.
totaltom said:
All of a sudden I cannot get onto a frequently used web site. The
web site is up , I can acess from another network, but when I get
home and use the home network it will not view. I have attempted on
several computers, and none can find the site. I get the site not
found messaage.

From another network I have no proble. Its not firewall related. the
other compiters have different firewall software. I ahev turned of
router and then additionally reset the router. I have no problems
with any other web site just this one.

Would I be correct that the ISP has somehow screwed something up. Is
there a way of proving definitively??

I need to book flights and this is a real pain.

Any help really appreciated.

It's possible your ISP has blocked it for some reason; couldn't hurt to ask
anyway, but getting a truthful answer can be an interesting endeavor.

Any chance it got into the HOSTS file? Just a thought.

totaltom said:
All of a sudden I cannot get onto a frequently used web site. The web site
is up , I can acess from another network, but when I get home and use the
home network it will not view. I have attempted on several computers, and
none can find the site. I get the site not found messaage.

From another network I have no proble. Its not firewall related. the other
compiters have different firewall software. I ahev turned of router and then
additionally reset the router. I have no problems with any other web site
just this one.

Would I be correct that the ISP has somehow screwed something up. Is there
a way of proving definitively??

I need to book flights and this is a real pain.

Any help really appreciated.

Operating system/Windows version - please.
Problem URL is...?



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